What’s a quick and easy way to calm your daughter’s over-thinking mind right now?
If she’s like most of us, large doses of “uncertainty” may cause her imagination to go crazy with all the scary “what if’s.”
I heard a teenager on the news this week saying, “I can’t even imagine what’s going to happen, so I just go numb.”
Please don’t let your daughter go numb – or – quarantine her imagination.
Instead, tap into the power of visualization, here’s how…
Create a Virtual ZEN DEN
Envision what you want your room to look like:
- how many windows?
- what color are the walls?
- is there a silky a hammock or over-sized chair?
Next, set your vibe with some fun accessories:
- a big fuzzy rug
- strands of colorful lights
- a cute little heart-shaped speaker for music
As silly as this may sound, “New research coming out of Oxford and Cambridge, for example, suggests that your ability to vividly imagine details about a bright future dramatically increases your energy and momentum, which leads, in turn, to constructive action.
The more vivid your visualization, the more real it feels.
And research shows the more real it feels, the more likely it will be to impact our behavior.
Only once we recognize this can we begin to move from a vicious cycle where our mental images feed our fear to a picture of the world that gives us power.” Source: The Power of Visualization by Shawn Achor | October 10, 2019 |November/December 2019 issue of SUCCESS magazine.
Let the Magic Happen
Encourage your daughter to recognize what her mood is after she:
- resets her emotions
- gives her mind a break
- and allows herself to visualize a safe space
My clients say they feel “less annoyed” and “more calm.”
This makes sense because science reminds us that “When our ‘thinking’ brain gives feedback to our ’emotional’ brain and we perceive ourselves as being in a safe space, we can then quickly shift the way we experience that high arousal state, going from one of fear to one of enjoyment or excitement.” Source: What Happens in the Brain When We Feel Fear? | October 27, 2017 | Smithsonian Magazine
And, your daughter may be pleasantly surprised by how much she enjoys creating a safe place in her mind through the power of visualization.
What does your ZEN DEN look like?
We’d love to hear about it!