Highly sensitive teens need a break sometimes.
They need to practice fine-tuning their filter.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the “noise” around you, find a place to re-calibrate.
Take 5 minutes alone.
State your mantra or positive self-affirmation – I’m okay – or create one that works for you.
Listen carefully to what your mind and body need.
Commit to doing one thing – right now – that will restore your sense of balance and peace.
Reach out for help if you need someone to talk to.
Now, let’s take this #ResiliencyReminder a step further by exploring …
What causes your daughter to need a break?
What does emotional overload look like for your daughter?
Is she able to describe what it feels like?
If your daughter shares some (or all) of the characteristics of a *highly sensitive person, it’s important to:
a.) recognize when she’s feeling overstimulated by all the “noise” and b.) find a strategy that works, in the moment, to remedy the situation.
Teenage girls have a heightened sense of self-awareness, real or imagined, it’s just part of the landscape.
Her feelings are real to her, despite what you or others deem to be reasonable or unreasonable.
These feelings may cause her to believe that she’s lost control over her emotions and / or her situation.
Find some relief now by answering these questions:
1.) What causes her to feel anxious or emotionally overloaded?
2.) Where can she exercise control over her environment?
3.) If she’s deeply moved by something, what’s the most effective way for her to express her emotions?
4.) When she’s able to “feel” another person’s discomfort, how will she handle and / or filter it?
5.) Where can she retreat to re-fill her emotional tank?
These questions are designed to help your daughter re-gain her sense of self and fine-tune her filter.
When you invite curiosity into this conversation, you’ll be able to separate what’s rooted in reality (facts) and what is being interpreted (ideas).
It’s easy to fall into life’s rhythm and operate on auto-pilot, without realizing what’s causing your daughter to feel agitated or uneasy.
With some practice, she’ll be able to find a sense of balance and peace before her emotions reach Mach 10.
I think we can all agree that life is full of daily challenges.
Where do you find solace after an emotionally charging event?
Sharing your stories and experiences builds resiliency through genuine connections.
I know it’s not always easy to be open and vulnerable – so thank you – for having the courage to reach out.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, connection builds resiliency.
You’re never alone, there is always someone to support you.
Blog Notes
*Highly Sensitive Person reference:
9 Common Traits of Highly Sensitive People
Recognizing you’re a highly sensitive person might explain a lot.
Posted Sep 26, 2016
Studies estimate that 15-20 percent of the population is highly sensitive. However, many people don’t know what this means. Although it’s related to introversion, being a highly sensitive person is not the same thing. Highly sensitive people are hypersensitive to a variety of stimuli, ranging from pain to caffeine consumption. Consequently, highly sensitive people exhibit several specific, observable behaviors.
Adapted from Aron and Aron’s Highly Sensitive Person scale, here are nine things highly sensitive people do:
- They become overwhelmed when they have a lot to do.
Highly sensitive people struggle to stay on task when they have several different things to do. They become observably anxious, and as their stress level increases, they have more difficulty being productive.
- They find noisy environments chaotic.
Highly sensitive people don’t work well in open offices because their senses are put into overdrive by the sights, sounds, smells, and activity buzzing around them.
- They get “hangry.”
When highly sensitive people are hungry, they grow angry. They struggle to function and often take out their frustrations on those closest to them.
- They choke when they’re under observation.
Highly sensitive people perform at their peak when they’re in private. Put them in a high-stakes situation, such as a presentation in front of their boss, and they’re likely to perform poorly due to the pressure.
- They’re deeply moved by the arts.
Whether it’s attending a musical or visiting an art gallery, highly sensitive people appreciate the arts: They find that expressions of creativity stir up their emotions.
- They recognize other people’s discomfort.
Highly sensitive people recognize when someone else needs the lights dimmed or the music turned down. They easily sense when other people are feeling overwhelmed.
- They retreat when things become too overwhelming.
After a long day or a busy week, a highly sensitive person needs quiet time to recharge. A dark bedroom, for example, can provide the perfect space to recuperate.
- They grow uncomfortable when there are loud noises.
Loud rock concerts and noisy fireworks displays usually aren’t much fun for highly sensitive people—they have a lower threshold for noise compared to the rest of the population.
- They avoid violent media.
Watching violent movies or playing graphic video games can be too much for highly sensitive people, so don’t be surprised if, for example, they opt out of watching horror movies with you.
The Pros and Cons of Being Highly Sensitive
While many people warn against the dangers of being a highly sensitive person—like an increased risk of depression and anxiety—being sensitive isn’t all bad. Highly sensitive people are more conscientious. They notice certain details others may overlook, and they can be very creative.
Being a highly sensitive person doesn’t mean you have a disorder that needs to be fixed. It simply means that you process sensory data more deeply. Recognizing that you’re a highly sensitive person could help you develop a better awareness of yourself and your needs.
Source: AmyMorinLCSW.com
Want to learn how to give up the bad habits that rob you of mental strength? Pick up a copy of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.This article first appeared on Inc.